Welcome and Enjoy!!

Happy New Year!! This has been a great cake year for me and I am so glad that I have been able to share them with all of you. Some through just pictures and some through actually eating and enjoying the cakes. This year my goal is to improve more, help more, teach more, learn more, and keep getting better and better to eventually do cakes full time! Fingers crossed! I hope you all have sweet dreams and happy goals to chase after and conquer this year. Always remember.............its because you deserve it!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Willy Wonka

This year for my daughters birthday party they decided to do a Willy Wonka theme, great idea I don't know why we never did it before! Normally for their party I am so busy getting everything ready that I just throw together a cake at the last minute which means unfortunately for them its not a very good looking cake. But not this year, they finally got a good one!! The hat is white cake, the pink layer is chocolate cake with buttercream filling, and the bottom layer is strawberry and vanilla cake swirled together with a strawberry cream filling. The whole thing is covered with mmf and store bought candy, speaking of candy how is a candy store completely out of round lollipops?? That was the only thing missing from the cake. But it turned out great anyway!


  1. Did you make the oompa-loompa(sp?) too? Love it! So very cute

  2. Yes Allie I did, I made it from colorflow. I had two actually up there but as soon as I went to take the picture the other one fell off and broke.. grrr!! But at least I got a picture of one of them.
