Happy New Year!! This has been a great cake year for me and I am so glad that I have been able to share them with all of you. Some through just pictures and some through actually eating and enjoying the cakes. This year my goal is to improve more, help more, teach more, learn more, and keep getting better and better to eventually do cakes full time! Fingers crossed! I hope you all have sweet dreams and happy goals to chase after and conquer this year. Always remember.............its because you deserve it!
A really nice lady wanted to celebrate her son coming home from his mission. This was a super yummy white cake with strawberry cream filling and covered with buttercream and fondant. It's pretty simple, but they loved it!
I am a stay at home mom who does in home day care so that I can be as close to my to my 4 beautiful little girls as possible. I am married to the love of my life. He is the most supportive, brutally honest, yet extremely funny man I have ever met. Along this cake decorating journey I started almost 8 years ago I have had tons of ideas and inspirations, many meltdowns, and luckily very few panic attacks. I make cakes for friends, relatives, and pretty much anyone who can pick up the phone and tell me their idea for their perfect cake. People always tell me I should start a website so that people can see my cakes and get in touch with me so they can order one, so I decided to start a cake blog instead! Super fun right?! Well I know when I do my cakes I am always on line getting new ideas and I truly appreciate anyone who includes tips or how to's when they post their pictures. So I decided to do the same, my husband always tells me that I shouldn't give out my secrets or my recipes for people to do themselves because then they wont need me to make it for them. So true! So I will only give away a few of my tricks.......I have to keep you coming back somehow!
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